Take Back Your Flower Beds

Turn to us for slug removal services in Post Falls, Coeur d'Alene or Hayden, ID

Are slugs and snails feasting on your flower beds? You didn't plant your lowers and shrubs just to be bug food. Turn to Oasis Pest Control for grub, slug and snail removal services in Post Falls, Coeur d'Alene & Hayden, ID. We can treat the soil around your vegetation to keep destructive insects at bay.

Schedule snail and slug removal services today by calling 208-921-3686.

pest control company post falls id

Do you have grubs, snails or slugs?

If your vegetables look half-eaten when you pull them off the vine, you might have a snail or slug problem. But you can stop them before they get that bed.

Schedule snail and slug removal services with Oasis Pest Control when you first notice...

  • Holes in your plant leaves
  • Pods of larvae in your mulch
  • Birds hanging around your garden

Reach out now for grub, slug and snail removal services in Post Falls, Coeur d'Alene or Hayden, ID. We'll keep your plants safe, healthy and green.

Learn More About The Variety of Pest Control Services We Offer in Post Falls, Coeur d'Alene & Hayden, ID

Perimeter Pest Control

A method of pest control designed to create a barrier around the home to repel and kill insects and other pests, preventing them from infiltrating the house. Spiders, mites, crickets, roaches and ants are some of the insects for which perimeter pest control is effective.

Interior Pest Control

Interior applications of pest control are aimed at the insects already inhabiting your home. Also creating a barrier protection for insects entering you home.

Carpenter Ant Exclusion

Treatment of an active carpenter ant infestation. This is extensive treatment but is worth the time to save your home from further damage.

WDO Inspection

Inspection of structure for damage from wood destroying organisms including carpenter ants, termites and mold etc.

Exterior structure add on

Pest control treatment to other exterior structures including shops, sheds, fence lines, garden beds, etc.